Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Joining the Club

Who knew that the keyboards were different in England? This is very difficult to type on-so please excuse any future typ-os. Oh yeah, this is Nicole by the way and I feel pretty silly because I'm pretty sure we are the only ones who read this...but since we have to wait for good old Maxamillion's cab, I figured I'd write a little shpeal on this blog of ours. First of all-CAMI AND MATT! If either one of you reads this I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited for both of you and have to hear ALL about it. Also, mom, I am safe, but extremely achey. The doctor was right, I feel like every bone/muscle in my body has been hit individually and repetatively with a hammer for at least 20 minutes. But, so far...this trip is hysterical and I have already been cracking up and adventuring and we are just sitting in an apartment (with a beautiful view overlooking the river)...but let me say that Riley is killing me! Funniest person ever. Avery has been having terrible luck but is such a trooper and Kendall has been quoting her OWN inspirational quotes that are actually quite eye opening but also hilarious (mostly the hilarious part is that she is so excited by them and impressed by her new philosophical outlook on her). Basically, I am so happy-despite my broken body and strep throat that I may or may not have. Regardless, there is no where else I'd rather be and I'm so grateful I get to do this with these three girls. We are going to have the best of times. And plenty of adventures. Also, Max (our wonderful host) has promised to introduce us to the Chelsea futbol team because he is good mates with them...HA we are going to "get drinks or something." What a trip this will be....anyways. There's my 2 cents. Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA Kendall quoting her quotes. that was me and her ALL of last week. so inspiring. have fun and wear the "kiss me" pins when you meet the futbol team. hottt
