Wednesday, May 16, 2012

our day in glorious GIRONA!!

Ginora is truly a hidden treasure! Here is how we got here...our trusty host in Barcelona said there are sunflower fields in a town an hour away so we booked our hostel, got on a train and arrived in this dream land! Girona is the perfect blend of gorg buildings with balconies filled with vibrant flowers/ breathtaking cathedrals and a lush green land of glorious trees and flowers and all those in that category that make you just wanna wear a dress with a sun hat and dance around! So we decided we would want to live here and make often trips to Barcelona.

We arrived and walked about15 minutes to our hostel. May I add that we get directions/maps of our desired destination on our handy iPhones in wifi, take screen shots, then try to navigate around those. And we've been quite successful! We set our stuff down and quickly got our day started, considering we had very limited time in the town! Nicole and Riley were leaning towards renting bikes to see the fields and kendall and I wanted to get lost in the town and explore the flower festival taking place through out it! We ended up splitting up, which made everyone happy to do what they wanted. We said we would meet up at 7pm in our hostel but unfortunately the girlies didn't end up biking due to out of seasoned flower fields and other restricting factors that wasn't worth the money. They ended up exploring the town too but we never crossed paths. However, we all did essentially the same thing...romped the town oooing and awing at the creativity in the flower expositions. The town reminded me of Italy with the narrow neighborhoods and we walked all through them and the expositions were all in random little holes in the walls, literally. It was all biazzare and beautiful! Oh and the croissants we had today!! Holy mother of pearls, let's just say we can not wait to get our behinds to Paris tomorrow!

We later met up and headed to the market for lunch food on the train tomorrow (13 hour train ride, baby!). We walked out with a box of dry cereal, a bag of large rabbit carrots, and 4 oranges. Talk about a hearty meal! Then we went to Steve McCurry's photography exhibit.  It was seriously incredible. His work inspired us all to travel the world, and expanding our geographical awareness. By this time we were quite hangry, if you know what I mean! And on the way to find some grubs, boy did we find some fiiiine boys ;) we all decided these Spanish men and are most beautiful people on the planet. We literally stop and stare too often. Anyways, then we got food and Kendall, then again, got her fix of the country's famous food dish (sausage was tonight!). The meal pace is so slow here! Us, Americans come and eat then leave! So we are trying to adapt and have to continually remind ourselves to slow down! Even if it's just chips and guacamole! And after we had to get dessert, duh! And gelato it was! The deliciousness goes with out saying. When we got back to the hostel we met 4 fellow (cute!) travelers from Canada and Sweden. They were so nice and sparked conversation. We all, embarrassingly freaked out and camped out in the lobby area of the hostel in hopes they would come hang out with us...they did! We chatted and don't worry mothers, it was all harmless! But it was fun meeting other travelers!

We absolutely LOVE Girona and are baffled to why it isn't a more  popular tourist location. Tomorrow we set foot to Paris and we couldn't be more excited! Love you all! Peace and blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to go to Girona! So fun to meet other travelers, especially cute ones ;)
