Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We came, we ate, we conquered

After packed days of living the Parisian life, our last day was a rather more slow paced. It was out last morning waking up in our individual comfy Marriot beds so we decided it would be smart to catch up on some much needed shut eye and sleep in. Rolling out of bed around 10am, we were so ready for a relaxing last day in the city. We took the metro to our favorite food square and begun our day of eating by sipping Paul's famous hot chocolate and chocolate croissants. We sat at the cafe for an hour or so, writing in our journals and taking in all the Parisian vibes. After Paul's, we were off to our favorite crepe stand. We all got our differing favs- nutella and
Banana, butter and sugar, and salted caramel. The man now knew us and made sure to load on the goods! We ate those up quickly and then made our way to our favorite chocolate shop. This place was dang good! Like out of this world, can't even put in words kind of good! The chocolate covered hazelnuts and almonds and the coconut macaroons were our top picks! Ah my mouth is watering just thinking about it. However, we didn't save them in our bags for later so don't be too disgusted...yet. What did we do next? (cue the gags and stomach aches) We went back to our favorite crepe place and got another crepe. We found ourselves eating such bad food because it was way cheaper then a salad from a restaurant per say. Yet we probably come out about the same from numerous servings of cheap food rather than one serving of a more spendy healthier choice. Whatever! You can loose the weight but not the memories and boy of boy I'll never forget that crepe stand or chocolate shop or the pure joy that came from their offerings. After eating our weight in sugar carbs, we stopped and the coolest bookstore in Paris. We sat at the upstairs nook next to the children's books and read books, found new favorite quotes, and wrote in our journals some more. We all grew quite fond of the this nook. It was comfy and surrounded by children's book, but our most favorite part was the one wall full of years of notes people who loved that nook posted up. Layers and layers of notes and photos covered the wall. We all decided we want a reading nook with a wall covered in nice notes that accumulate over years. After a few more hours in the Shakespeare and company book store, we wanted to go to Riley's favorite vintage thrift store. On the way we found a post office, where we all needed to send some post cards. Soon after we left and headed to a hipster paradise. This store was so awesome! Racks and racks of the most unique stuff everywhere. We all got excited and started scavenging through everything. After some fun dress up we went to check out and panic struck Nicole. Her money belt with her passport in it was gone. No where to be found. It had to have fallen out of her pocket or bag while she was throwing around hats and dresses. So we began to rip the store apart even more. The frantic was intense to be quite honest. Trying to get all the negative thoughts of what could happen out of my head, we were on our hands and knees searching everywhere. Riley and Kendall left to go check the post office where we knew Nicole just bought her stamps. Nicole and I continued to search and we were causing a scene haha the sweet worker man was so concerned and kept asking what he could do to help. We prayed an prayed some more. How tragic it would be if Nicole got her money and passport stolen. We'd have to postpone the duration of our trip and spend a few days in the US embassy trying to get Nicole out of the country. Feeling like ages later, Riley and Kendall come waltzing back in holding Nicole's life. The money bag was sitting on the table where Nicole sent her post cards, just sitting there, untouched, over an hour later!! We truly believe heavenly father was protecting that money belt. We looked at all the possible ways we could learn from this and we decided it was meant for us to be more cautious. We aren't invincible and that's that. Thank the heavens the money belt was found and we were safe and being watched over. After that almost tragic hour, we relieved our anxiety with some chicken and cheese croissant thingys from the near by patisserie. We then found ourselves window shopping at cute little boutiques. We found a "Lush" shop, it's an all natural body and skin shop. The lady working there was a saint and helped us for a good hour, trying all the different soaps and scrubs. We all smells so delicious and our skin was glowing by the time we left the store empty handed. Sorry Lush, we just can't fit any of your product in our backpacks! We wanted to finish our day off with the eiffel tower so we hopped on the metro and headed over. The rain began to pour and we really did get the full Paris experience. The Eiffel tower was surrounded by rain clouds and everyone around up whipped out their umbrellas. We sipped some hot chocolate and had a little photo shoot to wrap up our time in the city of love! Besides the money belt scare, today was such a glorious day. As we sat in the cafe and in the reading nook and as we walked around Paris in the rain, we were all so thankful and humbled to be here. We had the best of times in Paris and wouldn't have done anything different. Thank goodness for Riley and her inside scoop of the city! I really don't know what we would have done with out her. We headed back to the hotel and took luxurious baths, packed our stuff away and had group scripture/prayer time. Staying at the courtyard Marriot was so nice! We loved getting cozy in the bath robes and spreading our limbs out in our individual beds. We were sure gonna miss the hotel but we decided we would miss the beautiful French man working at the front desk. We all gawked over him and his circular glasses and French accent. We'll never know his name but we sure won't ever forget that face! Paris was good to us, maybe not good to our figures but so so good to us. Memories were made that will forever make me laugh, even Nicole's scare can now we laughed about. Silly silly Nicole! And off to switzerland we go! Until next time!


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