Thursday, May 3, 2012

rompin round dos

well, i guess its my turn to write on this sucker! today started off insanely yummy, then turned into frantic (almost) tragedy then back to bliss the rest of the day! 

uncy maxy (as previously referred) treated us to breakfast this morning! a breakfast full of eggs florentine, french toast, sausage egg and toast, croissants and the worlds best orange juice! 
the breakfast place was a pleasant walk across town in the misty morning
we are so thankful for sweet max and his pristine hospitality

and then we were off on the tube headed to buckingham ham palace to see the changing of the guards!
and that is when my biggest fears happened to me...
oh wait, before we were headed on the tubular, we ran into the cutest boutique ever!
kendall was in heaven and i quickly made friends with a worker there, luke, who told me about the best vintage shops in london! we are gonna try another day! yipe! cant wait! 

alright, back to the bad news! 
long story short...i jumped on the train...alone...watched the doors close and the girls grow smaller! 
they spurted out to meet at south kensington
okay, south kensington, easy! right? id meet them there. they would be on the next train behind me.
well, i got off and sat on a bench. train after train after train came and left.  
where were they?!?!? i am lost.  do i go back? cause that was our game plan if anyone got lost?
a few more minutes rolled around and i was about to get on the train going the other way.
but i didnt and sat back down and THERE THEY WERE!!!! 
oh phew! thank the heavens on high! i was found! 
alright, that was the scare of the day!

and so our day continues...

we got off the tube and walked through green park towards the palace
it was named green park and boy oh boy was in name fitting!
green! green! green! everywhere, green! 
of course we frolicked and danced in the grassy green wonderful
then wabam! there it was! the buckingham palace!
the palace dude from cool runnings oogles over! and the changing of the guards was awesome!
they were totally all marchy stiff solider red suit and black furry hat men!
we had a fab time embracing the royalty atmosphere (english accents all day, baby!) 
and after the palace we frolicked through st. peters park! 
another glorious park full of ducks, pretty bridges, small children in neon vest and lovely flowers! 
obvi nicole was snappin away some killer photos! 
(shout out to the ever so talented girl! thank heavens we have her on this trip)
riley is the navigator/comedic reliefer (made up word, but it works. hopefuly.)
nicole is the photographer/comedic reliefer 
kendall has the hook ups and is another comedic reliefer 
...and then there is me. 
guess i still need some time to "find myself" on this trip.  1/2 kidding 1/2 serious
well anyways! after all those frolics, we walked over to what riley said was the best doughnut place!
and on our way over their, we ran into a friend from byu!
"HEY!! DID YOU GO TO BYU?!" kendall exclaimed.
he awkwardly looked at us like we were complete nutsos! and we further explain mutual friend.
then the daunting question was asked, "what is your name?" 
i guess you couldnt call him a friend, maybe just a mere acquaintance. or was he even that?
who knows!! but his name is sam sherman! 
he joined right in time for these famous doughnuts! 
so we walked all the way to the london eye...just to find that the doughnut shop was no longer there.
i guess ill never have these world famous doughnuts.  bummer! 
riley was even more bummed.  but we got over this bumness by a death trap! 
like literally, a death trap.
this terrifying man scared the bageebers out of me and then continued to offer us a 50% discount at his scary maze thingy called, death trap.
mike was his name and he rather enjoyed stroking nicoles face. 
like really really really enjoyed stroking nicole, like he stroked her face almost too much
but i couldnt blame him, she does have porcelain skin. 
anyways! (there i go, rambling again! sorry!) he sucked us in and we obliged
after some creepy strokes, 6 pounds and some sweet talk over cameras with nicole, we were heading into...don don don...the death trap!
however the death trap turned out to be a lameo trap to steal our precious pounds
but i guess it is all the experiences that count! and boy will i never forget (slightly) creepy mike. 

then we were led to a creep festival exhibit thing 
i forget the name but all i can say was there was alcohol, mushroomed furniture and purple elephants
bizarre if you ask me! 
we danced to some gaga, soaked in the heat warmers, played giant connect 4 and left asap
it was just too weird. and maybe the nasty awful fake fur characters outside just set the mood
okay this post is gonna freak our mothers out! 
today wasnt as creepy as i made it seem.  i promise...kinda! haha kidding! 

after being thoroughly weirded out, we decided to just jump onto a double decker and explore
...little did we know this bus was going to lead us miles and miles away from the city!
because it was so spendy to get on the bus we thought we should stay on it as long as possible 
ehh not such a smart idea of ours! 
but in the end, we made it back just fine. it just took some minor freak outs to get us there.
once back, we got ready to go out for dinner and to see les miserable! 
and by got ready, i mean, throw on dresses that dont match and put our nappy hair in pony tails.
photos will reveal our true beauty, or at least ill tell myself that! 

we picked up some quick food and headed to the theater right in time! 
our seats were not exactly front row center, but they were perfect for our deal of a price!
les miserable was just incredible!
the singing was mind blowing and the whole play is just fantastic.
my parents and friends have gawked over it for as long as i can remember 
and now i can say ive seen and loved it too! im glad we spent the moola to see the show!

our droopy eyes and heavy heads were weighing down all show,
so we were all eager to get home and get some sleep.
but that didnt exactly work out when we just missed a train and would have to wait 45 minutes 
for the next one. so what else would us karnies do?? 
you guessed it! walk home! 
maybe not the wisest choice but we were fiiiiine! it was quite enjoyable actually! 
we chatted and life, love, ya know, the basics!

and we are home now, in our warm safe flat, croissants and nutella in our bellies! 
happy as happy gets! 
tomorrow we are heading to sussex to frolic some more and go do baptisms in the temple!!
we are so stoked to be able to go to the london temple!
wahooolagins! can not wait!
ta ta for now, blog readers!
peace and blessings!
avery signing out!

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